Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Live Boldly Continued…

Recently I had a conversation about rough neighborhoods. Yes, this is random but we were talking about why Christian's don't move into the "rough" areas in town. As Christian's, we are called to be the Light. To be His Light. 

Think of dark areas in your town. Is someone carrying/living the Light in that area? If we can't think of anyone, why aren't we? Why don't we carry the Light in the dark places of town? Fear, rejection, failure? In believing these lies are we not in turn saying to God "You're not powerful enough"? We think "It's too dangerous, they are too lost, they will not listen." Our job is to do what He has asked us to do, not question it. If He has called us to proclaim the Gospel to everyone, why are we not going to the areas that might be considered "rough"? 

I feel like us, as Christian's, tend to get comfortable in our own little neighborhoods and forget the ones who are lost and dying in those "rough" areas. Christian community is important and I completely understand that. We need that to encourage and build each other up. Yet, we get too comfortable in our community. We forget to be the Light in the darkness because we are too scared to go there. 

When I was in South Africa I remember going to see the squatter camps. I felt my heart break into for those people. My first thought was "How can I help?" My second thought was "It has to be very dangerous there." I went from one extreme to another. How can I help, what can I do, use me Lord, to I'm scared, how will I make a difference, what use is one person? Oh, how we have missed the mark. Jesus tells us it may be dangerous, it may be hard, it may be sacrificial. In knowing all of these things and also knowing how BIG and Powerful our God is, why do we not dive head first in faith and say OK, let's do this Jesus? 

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