Friday, August 16, 2013


So here I am! The place I have been waiting to be since I left! When I arrived I was nervous because I didn't who would be picking me up. So I was franticly looking for a young girl and a black baby or the people who I knew were here. At last a man came in with a Door of Hope sign. It was Marcelle's husband who I met last time I was here. Marcelle is the volunteer coordinator here. I got in his super tiny space car and we made the trek to baby house 3. 
When I got there I got to see an Auntie I worked with before. Auntie Celestine. She was so excited to see I was back and working for a longer time. Marcelle was there and she gave me paper work and my schedule. I broke a chair while I was there. Seriously…only have been there for 10 minutes and I broke a chair. Not by sitting in it, by running into it by tripping down the stairs. Yeah, those of you laughing…yeah I'm fine thanks. When we left there we went to baby house 1 where I knew I would be living. I unloaded my luggage and went inside to meet the sweet little angels I would be loving the next few months. When I came inside I almost cried. Being back is such a HUGE blessing. I felt as if I was home. The smells (good and bad), the noises, the sights and the weather. Everything is glorious and I am in love with this place. It's unlike any place I've ever been. It is more like a feeling than anything. I feel as if I belong here. I feel as if I am doing what the Lord has called me to do. Everything feels right. I did cry when I walked into the small babies room and saw two aunties I worked with last time. Auntie Vera and Auntie Margaret. Goodness, what a reunion. They screamed, I screamed, we all screamed (not for ice cream). It was wonderful. I was so happy in that moment! I missed them so much! I was able to meet some of the babies and love on them before I got settled in. I left after that and went to the Glen to get groceries and exchange money. 
The Glen, you will here me talk about it a lot. They do not have a Walmart here. So they have a mall that is within walking distance from the house. We walk there together to get food and just to get away. We do not have a car here so it's the only place we can go to get away. I was able to go to the Pick-N-Pay to pick up some groceries. It looks like I will be eating a lot of noodles, sandwiches, fruit, yogurt and cereal. I am totally fine with that because that's all I eat at home anyway. When I came back to the house I was able to visit a while with the volunteers. Two of the volunteers are from New Zealand and the other is from Mississippi. They are all great people and I've enjoyed getting to know them. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh my heart seriously melted when I pictured the reunion with all the aunties. PLEASE film a story from Auntie Celestine! Praying for you pookie. I'm laughing so hard over your stories and look forward to hearing all the personalities of the babes!
