Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Day in the life of an Auntie…

Well, here at the DOH that's what we are called. Aunties. It makes it easy because if you can't remember another Auntie's name…no worries. Their name is Auntie. Sometimes, ok maybe all of the time, I crack up because of the hilarious things going on around me. I am about to explain all of these things I get to enjoy everyday. I will do it in a list form because, well, that is easier for me.

Cons (which aren't really cons)
1. If something stinks, don't go looking for it.
2. Vegetable day, is the day where Jesus said, "I shall test your patience."
3. Different colored socks are cooler here than in the States. (No, not really, it's called being lazy because there are 1,000,000 pairs and it would take all day to find the matching one.)
4. During feeding time everyone opens their mouths and chews. (Even the Aunties that aren't eating) Why do people do this? Does showing what the babies need to do with their mouths help? 
5. We watch the Tweenies (a really terrifying/enjoying show) 1,897,345 times and run to find the remote to turn it off when the babies are put to bed.  
6. Dried snot, food, drool and baby puke are apart of our attire. If we don't wear one of these a day, we aren't doing our job. If we ARE wearing one, we wear it proudly. (it probably was an adventure to get their in the first place) (its kind of like a girl scout badge)
7. A towel is our best friend. When the puke comes flyin, the towel comes to save the day (saving the blanket they are laying on, and our clothes and the babies clothes)
8. Ridiculous talk: means we say the babies names 300 times in the weirdest sweetest way possible to make them do what it is we need them to do. (calm down, eat their food, play nicely, or just to love on them)
9. Our break: a time where we eat everything we can get our hands on because we are starving and crash for about 1 hour.
10. When all the Aunties get together they have very high loud voices. (much like a lot of Canadian geese flying home for the winter)

Pros (these are just a few)
1. We get the first smiles/giggles of the morning. (this is seriously my favorite time of the day is waking them up)
2. Tummy time (watching them move around like fish out of water)
3. Making them laugh (all of the babies have their own laugh and its so sweet to hear)
4. Bath time (this is so fun because the babies enjoy it. They splash, freak out if water gets on their face, coo, smile and cry all at the same time.)
5. Feeding time (they are like hungry wolves ready to bite our hand off right before we give them their bottle.)
6. Growing up (while we are here we get to see them grow up)
7. We get to meet so many local people who come in and volunteer throughout the day.
8. Being able to love on the babies and help them grow
9. Praying over them throughout the day (while changing, feeding, giving them baths or just holding them)
10. Just being here is the biggest blessing. The Lord has made the desires of my heart a reality for me. Thank you Jesus.

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