Thursday, December 26, 2013


So something struck me a few nights ago. Hard. After we dropped off an international volunteer at the airport we drove a ways out of JoBurg into an area I had not yet been. Cory, our volunteer coordinator's husband, said he wanted us to see some squatter camps. I had seen some before from a distance but as we drove up to them my heart sank. Tears started rolling down my face as I looked poverty straight in the eyes. I began to ask Jesus what in the world must we do about this? What can we do? I literally panicked in my Spirit. I have seen poverty at its worst and this made that look like middle class.

Spread out over a large area was small, metal, square shelters that are patched together. There is no electricity, no running water, nothing that looks different. Everything looks the same. The ground was muddy with water and sewage. There is no bathrooms. Some of these people are immigrants and some of them are unemployed South Africans. As we drove by and I could feel my heart breaking for these people. All I thought was they have to know there is hope in Jesus.

As we drove by, I did see shelters and filth, but I also saw people. Hearts. I saw mothers who struggle with providing necessities for their families to survive. I saw fathers who felt like failures from not being able to provide for their families. I thought about how difficult it must be to be different as an individual in an area where everything looks the same. I'm sure if someone stands out, others might become jealous/envious and steal what the other has. I thought about how hard it might be to be hopeful in anything.

Cory told us that the worst things go on in the squatter camps. Things like human trafficking, rape, drugs, abuse and anything else the enemy could perverse someone into doing.

I got the worst feeling in my Spirit as I looked out over that vast area of darkness and asked the Lord to not let that feeling disappear. I want to be aware of places in need. I don't want to become so wrapped up in my own life that I forget the needs of others around me. My heart is still broken from the sight of those squatter camps. I wish I was able to take a picture so I could have a reminder of how desperate our world is for Jesus. Even though this burden isn't fun to have, I don't want it to go away. As soon as it does I become selfish again and fixated on my own life and small problems. I want to constantly remember those squatter camps and pray for the people in them.

I thought of the song by All Sons and Daughters "All the Poor and Powerless" as we were driving by. Take time to read these lyrics and pray over these people who live in the squatter camps. They need hope and to know that hope comes from Jesus.
"All the Poor and Powerless" By: All Sons and Daughters

All the poor and powerless

All the lost and lonely

All the thieves will come confess

And know that You are Holy

And know that You are Holy

And all will sing out hallelujah

And we will cry out hallelujah

And all will sing out hallelujah 

And we will cry out hallelujah

All the hearts who are content

And all who feel unworthy

All that hurt with nothing left

Will know that You are Holy

Will know that You are Holy

And all will sing out hallelujah

And we will cry out hallelujah

And all will sing out hallelujah 

And we will cry out hallelujah

Shout it

Go on and scream it from the mountains

Go on and tell it to the masses

That He is God

And we will sing out hallelujah

And we will cry out hallelujah

And we will sing out hallelujah

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Heaven on Earth…

I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks about Heaven. I mean, we should think about it. It's where we, as believers of Jesus Christ, will end up spending eternity. In other words think of the kid from The Sandlot (his name is Squints) F-O-R-E-V-E-R! (And I know you totally just said it in the same voice he does.) Today I got a glimpse of Heaven. Of course our finite minds can not comprehend the wonders and glorious things we will encounter there. All we can do is imagine. 

I believe Berea Baptist Mission Church is a small glimpse of how Heaven will be. Located on a super dangerous street beside other cults and evils, is nestled this church that shines Jesus' light so brightly. As we turned down the street today, I felt my Spirit become uneasy. You know how when you are around evil and your Spirit gets restless inside you and it's not a good feeling. That's how I felt just turning down the street heading to church. As soon as we pulled into the church I felt that feeling go away immediately. I felt such a peace and joy. I felt Jesus. 

We were early so we sat and I smiled and said Hi to a few people who were there early as well. They start on time regardless of how many people are there. People come in as they please and during worship no one misses a beat. No one is distracted. We worshipped for a solid hour. I can't even tell you how many songs we sang. There was so much JOY, EXCITEMENT, GENUINENESS, HEARTFELT WORSHIP. 

I have experienced the same worshipping before. It was exactly two years ago in the exact place. Berea Baptist Mission Church. People are so free. There is no judgement. You worship however you want. Little kids go to the front and dance if they want to. People clap, people dance, people, sing to the top of their voices, people raise their hands, people shout, people worship their Savior like I imagine we will one day soon. 

I wish I could just uproot all the people and the actual church in Hillbrow and bring them home with me so I can experience that every Sunday. My heart is so full and I am so blessed to be apart of God's house today at Berea Baptist Mission Church. It will always be forever locked in my most treasured memories.