Friday, August 16, 2013

my first full day…

I was so exhausted from traveling so I slept so well my first night. I was hoping I wouldn't have any trouble and I did not. I have adjusted so fast because I am not tired at all and I'm feeling very rested and well. It's all Jesus! Thanks for the prayers in that! I woke up around 9:00 and Philippa who is a volunteer from New Zealand asked if I could work because they were short handed. She and Nadene had to take four of the babies to the occupational therapist to be checked on. So I, of course, gladly volunteered. It was such a good first day. I was able to learn all 10 of the babies names right away. They aren't easy either. I have a way of memorizing names very quickly. I guess working camp for so many years has paid off. After the babies went down for their morning nap, a lady came by to have bible study with us. Her name is Sharon and she is from a local church. Since the Aunties are not able to go to church every Sunday, this is a way they can still be taught scripture and be in a christian community. Sharon takes what she has learned from her pastor the Sunday before and comes every Thursday to teach it herself. She prints a handout and we follow along. It was very good this week because she spoke on having the armor of God. We answered questions and discussed a few then prayed. It was very short and sweet, yet challenging and encouraging. While the babies sleep we have a break. Usually on my break I just do this. Blogging. If I am not blogging I am eating, reading or spending time with the other volunteers. I enjoyed working my first day so much. Learning all the babies names and loving on the Aunties. It was a very good day.

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