Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Today was super special…

I am here, loving on these children who have been abandoned. I am able to love them like Christ loves me and because He loves me, I am able to love them. I got to experience something most volunteers probably do not get to experience today. When I was here a year ago I was able to love on this sweet baby boy who stole my heart. He had the biggest dimples and had such a capturing smile. He got adopted a couple of days before I got here so I wasn't able to see him. I was so sad when I heard I missed him. Until today he came for a visit with his new family. It was so special for me to see because that is what I prayed and pray over all of these sweet angels. That the Lord would provide them with loving, Christian homes. I got to see one of the sweet babies I prayed over last year being held by his new family. Jesus gave me such a gift in that. I am crying thinking about it now. Please continue to pray for these sweet little angels. Jesus has a forever family for them. Hand picked and just for them to be loved and love. My heart is so full thinking about Jesus answering my prayer for that sweet baby. Thank you Jesus for providing that sweet angel with a forever family who will love him the way he should be loved. I'm so glad I am able to share this great story with you. 

1 comment:

  1. Ever since our talk, I've read over this about 6 more times. Every time I'm so thankful for the gift Jesus gave you (and me) of tangibly seeing (or hearing) one of our babes with a family. Our prayers are heard. He cares. deeply cares. And we can't forget that! I LOVE YOU! So PROUD OF YOU!
