Friday, August 30, 2013

Off we go….

To the clinic. So on my days off I usually go to the Glen to get groceries. This week I had no need to go because I had enough groceries to hold me over until my next day off. We have been short handed a bit so I was asked if I could take one of the babies to the clinic for their check up. I said, of course I would! I went with one of our managers, Rosette, to take two precious babies to the clinic. We suited up. Walking shoes, breathable clothes, stroller, baby bag packed full of all the essentials. (Baby milk, nappies, dummies, toys, and anything else that might distract a child who screams in the Dr. office.) Rosette lead the way and we walked through neighborhoods and past an elementary school and then we were there. It was eye opening to say the least. We walked in and there are nothing but chairs lined up. Basically instead of standing in a line to wait your turn, you sit in a line. So it's like musical chairs without the music and without the excitement. When we basically sat in every chair in the place and I had gotten a workout from sitting and standing (seriously I started to squat and flex my core muscles, might as well make the best of it) we went in to see the Dr. She was a stout, round, beautiful, black lady. The one who would reek havoc on the precious little angel that I was holding. After she asked a few questions, Rosette sat down with one baby and gave her some drops of medicine. Then here it comes. The big one. 3 shots in the thighs. In those sweet, fat, round, chocolate colored thighs. Bless. Her. Heart. I was just thinking geez laweez that poor child. Then I thought, well better her than me. Right? Ugh. Shots are the worst. Then BAM these babies are slammed with 3. After baby girl got her shot, Rosette said she would wait outside for me and my baby. I was like wait, I have to hold him while he gets a tranquilizer dart in the thigh 3 times? Oh. My. Goodness. Is this real life? So I sat in the chair with this sweet, tiny baby boy whose thighs are half the size of my wrist. The Dr. asked me to hold his leg down and make sure he didn't move. Well, since I was stiff myself and freaking out all at the same time, she had to tell me again. I said ok, yes ma'am. I held his leg down thinking, I can't show him my face when we leave. He can't remember me as the one who held his leg down while Dr. Rough and Round shot him with 3 shots. I cringed every time. Poor little fellow I think it was harder for me to hold him and see it happen than it was for him to get the shot. Yeah, feel sorry for me. He just had the shot…I had to be the bad guy and hold his leg down plus watch. 
So the clinic was dramatizing as well as an adventure. On the way back, I sang a little bit to bring entertainment to Rosette and the guys who were working on the street and water lines. Lots of weird looks guys, lots of weird looks. So the moral of the story. Hire someone to take your kid to get shots.  

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA!!! Okay so i'm DEFINITELY hiring you as the one to take my kid to the doctor. I think I could handle holding him down however sending you and getting a hilarious story out of it is SO much better!! I LOVE THIS!
